3 Optical Care Myths: Separating Fact From Fiction

When it comes to optical care, certain widespread myths might prevent you from properly caring for your eyes. In today’s post, the eye specialists at Alderwood Optical and Canyon Park Vision Clinic separate fact from fiction:

1. MYTH: Read in Dim Lighting Can Damage Your Eyes

“Don’t read in the dark or you’ll go blind!” This is one of the oldest eyesight myths in the book, but fortunately it is baseless. Your eye doctor explains that recent studies have shown that reading or doing any activity in poorly illuminated conditions has no effect whatsoever on your eyesight. It can cause your eyes to feel strained and fatigued, however.

2. MYTH: Wearing Eyeglasses Can Make Your Eyesight Worse

Some people worry that wearing eyeglasses will make their vision even worse. This is not true. Eyeglasses are designed to correct poor eyesight; they have no effect on the anatomy of the eyes. Unfortunately, eyeglasses can’t “cure” poor eyesight, either. They are simply worn to aid people with nearsightedness or farsightedness, astigmatism or other eye conditions.

3. MYTH: Using the Wrong Prescription Eyeglasses Will Hurt Your Eyes

This is an extension of the previous myth that your optometrist does not subscribe to. According to the Mayo Clinic Health System, wearing the wrong prescription will have no effect on your eyes at all. You may experience dizziness or blurry vision from wearing prescriptions that are too strong or too weak for your eyes, but your eyes will be fine. Of course, because of the discomfort, it’s not advisable to wear glasses not prescribed to you.

For all your eye care concerns, questions or and complaints, give our specialists at Alderwood Optical and Canyon Park Vision Clinic a call today. You may reach us at (425) 771-8842 (Alderwood Optical) or (425) 485-0430 (Canyon Park Vision Clinic) to schedule an appointment. We serve all clients in and around Lynnwood, Mill Creek, Knmore, Bothell, WA, and nearby areas.