An Inside Look at Our Advanced Ocular Technologies

Alderwood Optical and Canyon Park Vision Clinic are committed to providing you the highest standard of eye care products and services. We use the latest optical technologies to ensure an accurate assessment of your eyes, which is an important step in creating an effective treatment plan. Let your expert eye doctor discuss some of the advanced diagnostic procedures we offer.

Corneal Mapping (Corneal Topography)

Your cornea ideally has a clear, smooth, and curved form, allowing it to efficiently control and focus light entry. The slightest structural infirmities can disrupt the image translation process and lead to vision errors. For a thorough corneal evaluation, we use a non-invasive imaging procedure, also known as videokeratography or photokeratoscopy. This technique provides a three-dimensional corneal view, making detecting and managing refractive errors much easier.

Digital Retinal Imaging

The retina is a layer of light-sensitive structure found at the back of your eyes. It receives light rays and converts them into nerve signals, which the optic nerve carries to the brain for interpretation. Any changes to the retinal processes may interfere with your sense of sight. This is why your trusted eye doctor uses a state-of-the-art digital camera to get a high-resolution image of your retina. This serves as our guide in checking for signs of underlying vision-threatening conditions. It’s a reliable tool that helps us achieve a more definite diagnosis of your current eye health, paving the way for prompt eyesight correction.

Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)

An OCT scan is another non-invasive imaging method that uses light waves when capturing cross-sectional retinal pictures. It allows us to see the different layers of your retina in detail, enabling us to accurately measure their thickness. It’s a great innovation in the detection of various eye conditions, like age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma.

Visual Field Testing

This exam evaluates your side vision to help identify blind spots, also known as scotomas, a common manifestation of glaucoma. Your skilled eye doctor may ask you to focus on an object while we cover one of your eyes. We’ll then ask you to describe what you see in your periphery, if any. We may also ask you to look ahead and press a button whenever you see light flashes.

OPTOS Retinal Exam (Optomap®)

This imaging option takes a panoramic view of your retina in just a quarter of a second. It provides a broader and wider image of your retinal structures for prompt detection of potential eye problems. It’s a great alternative for those who are ineligible for taking dilated eye exams.

For more information about our advanced optometry technologies, call us at (425) 771-8472 for Alderwood Optical or (425) 485-0430 for Canyon Park Vision Clinic. You may also fill out our form to request an appointment. We have two locations to better serve our patients. Schedule your appointment today!