Common Holiday Eye Safety Hazards and How to Avoid Them

The holidays are meant to be a fun time to create lasting memories with friends and family. Unfortunately, certain activities you may participate in this time of the year can put your eyes at risk, causing damage that might require a visit to an optometrist.

Read on as Alderwood Optical & Canyon Park Vision Clinic raises awareness about common causes of holiday-related eye injuries:

LED Lights and Lasers

LED lights don’t only disrupt sleep but can also cause damage to the retina, macula and photoreceptors. You can avoid vision damage by avoiding directly looking into LED and laser lights for long periods.

Champagne Cork

A bottle of champagne has almost three times the pressure of a car tire. According to a 2004 study, that pressure is enough to send a cork flying for at least 40 feet. While getting hit by a cork in the eye is rare, 25 percent of sufferers experience serious consequences like blindness.


Snow reflects nearly 90 percent of ultraviolet radiation. This amount of reflection is enough to damage the cornea, so always wear your sunglasses when heading out on a snowy day. Wearing sunglasses or tinted sunglasses can help reduce the risk of eye damage while you’re building a snowman or having a snowball fight with the family. See your optometrist to determine the best eyewear for your vision needs.

Christmas Tree

Make sure you’re wearing appropriate eye protection if you’re cutting your own Christmas tree. If you’re buying a tree, be cautious when untying it because branches can pop faster than expected, harming your eyes. It’s also important to be careful when decorating and use a sturdy ladder when hanging ornaments.

Visit an experienced optometrist at Alderwood Optical & Canyon Park Vision Clinic. We provide custom lenses for prescription glasses, protective and active sports eyewear, prescription sunglasses and more. Call us at (425) 485-0430 or complete our online form to request an appointment. We assist patients in Bothell, Shoreline and Lynnwood, WA.