How Aging Changes Your Eyesight

Your body undergoes many changes as you age, and your eyesight is not excluded from this process. Declining vision can compromise your life in many ways, so it’s important to be educated about age-related eyesight conditions and know when to seek treatment.

Read on as your eye doctor explains how your vision changes as you age and how you can take care of your eyes.

Age-Related Visual Changes

One of the most common visual changes you may experience as you enter middle age is a decline in your close-range vision. Do you need to hold menus and other reading material at an arm’s length to see them clearly? If so, you may be suffering from presbyopia, an age-related refractive error that develops when your eye’s lenses become less flexible.

Dry eye syndrome is another common problem among older individuals. As you age, the quality and quantity of your tears may decrease, which can lead to dry eye syndrome. Your eye doctor may recommend applying artificial tears and high potency omega-3 fish oil supplements to address this.

Aging may also cause your macula, which is located at the center of your retina, to deteriorate. This may compromise your central vision, making it difficult to see objects directly in front of you.

Ways to Maintain Your Visual Health As You Age

The good news is there are things you can do to reduce your risk of developing sight-threatening eye conditions. For one, maintain a healthy lifestyle. Stay well hydrated, and include eye-friendly foods, such as deep-water fish, citrus fruit, and dark leafy greens, in your diet. Exercising is also a good way to ensure adequate blood flow to your eyes. Most importantly, visit your eye doctor regularly. Having yearly comprehensive eye exams allows for early detection and prompt treatment of underlying conditions.

Call us today at (425) 771-8472 for Alderwood Optical or (425) 485-0430 for Canyon Park Vision Clinic to schedule an appointment. You may also complete our form to do so. We serve Redmond, Kirkland, Woodinville, WA and nearby areas.