How to Take Care of Your Eyes During Winter

Winter is best known for beautiful snowy landscapes and fun holiday festivities. However, it’s also a time when your eyes face unique challenges. In this post, we discuss key factors that can affect your eye health during this season and ways to protect your eyes during cold weather.

How the Winter Season Can Affect Your Eyes

Dry Air

The air tends to be drier during winter, and this can significantly reduce the moisture in your eyes, resulting in dry eye syndrome. Symptoms can include redness, itchiness, a burning sensation, blurred vision and even a feeling of something gritty in your eyes.

Ultraviolet Radiation

Winter months are synonymous with snowfall. While it may make for beautiful scenery, the snow can reflect up to 80% of UV radiation from the sun. This can increase your eyes’ exposure to UV rays, which can lead to photokeratitis, a temporary but painful condition causing blurred vision and sensitivity to light.

Reduced Daylight Hours

The winter season has reduced daylight hours. Less exposure to light can disrupt the body’s regular sleep-wake cycles, causing sleep disorders, mood changes and even trouble with vision.

Indoor Heating

Indoor heating systems can create dry indoor air, exacerbating the eye dryness experienced during the winter. This can further aggravate dry eyes, leading to discomfort and blurry vision.

Cold Wind

Cold winds are a frequent companion to winter weather. Exposure to these cold, gusty winds can trigger tear production and create watery eyes. Prolonged exposure can also lead to the cornea drying out.

Eye Care Tips During Winter

Here are ways to protect and maintain your eye health during winter:

Alderwood Optical & Canyon Park Vision Clinic is an established eye care provider trusted by the local community. Call us at (425) 771-8472 (Lynnwood) or (425) 485-0430 (Bothell) to schedule an appointment. You can also reach us via our contact page.