How to Tell If You Have Early Signs of AMD

One of the things that makes age-related macular degeneration (AMD), so challenging to diagnose is that there are few or no symptoms in the early stages. Your eye doctor can help detect this condition but only with regular eye tests. AMD can affect almost any person but, being age-related, it occurs more frequently in people 50 years of age or older.

AMD can cause total vision loss, despite the condition being very treatable. Early detection is key to managing the symptoms and delaying the progression of the condition. Our eye specialists at Alderwood Optical & Canyon Park Vision Clinic recommend you keep an eye out for these signs of AMD:

The First Stages

Your eye doctor may diagnose you with either wet or dry AMD, each with its own set of early symptoms. In dry AMD, it’s more common to experience a slight blurring of your central vision, either close up or far away. This blurred area in the center of your field of vision can grow larger as AMD develops into later stages. Eventually, blind spots appear and the patient may find it more difficult to see fine details and colors.

Wet AMD can make straight lines look wavy. Like dry AMD, wet AMD can also progress into total vision loss and this progress can happen within a matter of days or weeks.

Who Is at Risk?

The best way to monitor the health of your eyes is with regular tests with your eye doctor. This condition can affect anyone but some people may be more at risk than others. For example, smokers have a bigger chance of developing AMD later in life. People with high levels of cholesterol and high blood pressure are also more prone to the condition.

At Alderwood Optical & Canyon Park Vision Clinic, we can help you with early diagnosis of age-related macular degeneration. Give us a call at (425) 771-8472 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation and get your eyes tested today. We serve patients in Redmond, Kirkland and other nearby areas in WA.