Q and A: Things to Ask When Preparing for Cataract Surgery

Cataracts develop when protein accumulates on your eyes’ natural lenses. They can cloud your vision and limit light entry, causing blurred vision. Cataracts are one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide

To help improve your vision, Alderwood Optical and Canyon Park Vision Clinic offers co-management of cataract surgery. In today’s post, our expert eye doctor near Redmond, WA, answers some common questions about preparing for this procedure.

Who Are Good Candidates for Cataract Surgery?

Early-stage cataracts can be effectively managed by environment adjustments or higher prescription glasses, so we usually only recommend cataract surgery when two criteria are met. First, you must have a visual acuity reading of 20/40 or worse. Second, the visual impairment needs to affect your efficiency in carrying out daily tasks. We advise undergoing a comprehensive eye exam so we can thoroughly assess your current eye health.

How Should I Prepare for It?

We work with reputable surgeons in the area and provide them with all the test results they need. At least one week before the scheduled procedure, they will perform tests to identify what lens implant to use during your surgery. We suggest making transportation accommodations as you may be unable to drive after the procedure. This is also the most opportune time to ask the Surgeon any questions you may have.

What Happens During the Procedure?

Surgeons will apply a topical anesthetic on your eyes. Once it takes effect, they will create a small incision on your cornea and will then use a small probe to break up and remove the protein clumps or remove the affected lens itself. Afterward, they will insert the artificial intraocular lens (IOL). The whole procedure involves little to no discomfort at all.

How Will It Help Improve My Vision?

With the protein obstruction removed, you can expect better light entry and focusing. According to our trusted eye doctor in Kirkland, WA, full recovery can be expected within a month’s time. Your brain will continue to adjust to the new IOL. If you experience dry eyes, we can prescribe artificial eye drops. Make sure to adhere to your follow-up schedule.

What Happens After the Surgery?

You will be scheduled for follow-up appointments at our eye doctors who will evaluate your post surgical healing process. Some patients may experience dry eyes and we can prescribe appropriate treatment. Make sure to adhere to your follow-up schedule.

If you have any further questions about cataract surgery, call us at (425) 771-8472 (Alderwood Optical) or (425) 485-0430 (Canyon Park Vision Clinic). You may also fill out our form to request an appointment.