Photochromic Lenses 101: Essentials You Should Know

Wearing eyeglasses can help correct vision errors, but can be uncomfortable when you’re out in the sun. You’ll need to carry a pair of prescription sunglasses with you all the time and regularly switch back and forth between the two, which can be inconvenient. Fortunately, there’s a solution–photochromic lenses. Read on as Alderwood Optical, a trusted eye doctor in the area, discusses the benefits of photochromic lenses.

Photochromic lenses have been around for decades. Their defining trait is they darken in the sun and lighten in more dimly lit spaces. This allows for a seamless transition between environments. You won’t have to switch between your sunglasses and glasses anymore when you invest in photochromic lenses.

If you’d like to give them a try, visit your eye doctor for a comprehensive eye exam. This will determine whether photochromic lenses are a viable option for your eye care needs.

Here are some other things to know about photochromic lenses:

  1. Photochromic lenses are cost-effective. Because you won’t need to purchase both eyeglasses and sunglasses, you’ll save money.
  2. Photochromic lenses protect your eyes. They don’t just function as sunglasses–these lenses also filter a considerable amount of UV rays, helping keep your eyes safer and healthier.
  3. They are a bit ineffective in cars, however. Photochromic lenses darken in reaction to UV rays, which are blocked by your windshield. The lenses won’t darken as much when you’re inside a car for this reason.
  4. Photochromic lenses are affected by cold weather. They’ll take a bit longer to react to UV rays in winter months.

Look no further than your leading eye doctor, Alderwood Optical, for high-quality eye health solutions. With our superior range of eyeglasses, we’ll ensure a lifetime of clear and healthy vision. We proudly serve Kirkland and Redmond, WA, plus nearby areas. Call us today at (425) 771-8472 or fill out this contact form to schedule your appointment.